A 2-day Workshop Designed To Transform Your Career

Land Your Dream Job and Build Your Professional Career In Canada

For Every Mid to Senior Level Professional Feeling Stuck in Their Career or Need A New Job!

What Professionals Are Saying…

Stuck in Canada for 18 months, I had 3 interviews but no job offers. My master’s degree wasn’t enough. I even tried other coaches, but nothing worked. Then I met Coach Imole! He helped me land my dream job.


He is not your regular Coach. Coach Imole goes deeply personal, tailors a plan for YOUR goals, and unlocks your full potential. And you will get 99% value for your investment.


As a new immigrant with 9 years of experience back home, I wasn’t ready to settle. I went on a few interviews, and my resume got some attention, but I never landed the jobs I truly wanted. Then I met Coach Imole, and things changed completely! 


Does Any Of These Describe You?

Are you a mid-to-senior level professional in Canada feeling frustrated and unfulfilled in your current job?

Are you struggling to navigate the Canadian job market so that you can land your dream job?

Are you often ignored by recruiters or tired of your resume getting lost in the oceans of other applications?

You are NOT alone!

I had firsthand experience myself 15 years ago when I moved to Canada with my family with high hopes of securing a job as an HR Professional. However, no one prepared me for the greatest shock of my life. It turns out that landing a job in Canada was as hard as finding water in a desert if you don’t have a clear blueprint. I struggled.

I got a few gigs, but none really paid as much as I wanted.

I had to hit the refresh button and start building from scratch. It was tough, but I learned the hard way so you don’t have to. The truth is, most people come to Canada with no clue about how to land their dream job.

You had a clear vision of your dream job before coming to Canada, but now that you’re here, everything seems to be falling apart.

What you need is guidance from someone who has walked the same path and attained success to show you the right way.

And that is why I’m inviting you to this exclusive 2-day workshop, where you will gain practical, hands-on knowledge to land your dream job in Canada.



This is the same workshop I’ve given to my clients who have landed 6-figure jobs in Canada… And here’s what some of them are saying:

Here’s what you’ll learn in this life-changing 2-day Workshop:

Strategic Insights

Understand the Canadian job market and how to position yourself for success.

Mindset Shift

Develop a winning and progressive attitude and strategies for impactful job hunting and networking

Branding & Resume Techniques

Create a compelling personal brand and a resume that hiring managers can not resist

Total value: $4000

Wait!…There’s More…

Bonuses for participating in this workshop:

Canada Job Market Secrets: How to increase your chances of securing your dream job in Canada.

How to Pivot From one Career to Another: Learn how to successfully transition from one profession to another.

How to Secure Your Next Interview: A 100% Guaranteed Approach to ace your next interview.


Be one of the first people to get your hands on my comprehensive course—Navigating The Canadian Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide For Immigrants.

Total value: $2000

Why should you trust me?

Maybe you’re still skeptical, and I understand.

You’ve probably made an investment in a course or program that promised heaven on earth, but you didn’t get enough value.  

I get. But here’s why this experience is going to be different for you and why you should trust me. 

  • I’ve helped over 50 Professionals in Canada land their dream jobs (I still receive thank-you notes from some of my clients who are thriving in Canada). 
  • With over a decade of experience as an HR professional, I’ve witnessed firsthand what can make or break candidates during job interviews. 
  • This is a workshop, so expect to be guided step-by-step through my unique process of landing your dream jobs.
  • Having interviewed over 1000 people, I am familiar with the exact answers and questions every interviewer wants to ask or wants you to ask. 

What Successful Clients Are Saying About Coach Imole

Fredrick was able to secure a 15% increase in salary negotiation for his new job from the initial offer.

Fredrick Nnabuko

“I worked with Imole on salary negotiation for my new job and I ended up with a 15% increase from the initial offer, I couldn’t believe my eyes as all the strategies he gave worked wonders.”

Olawunmi O

“Imoleayo Ashogbon has been an invaluable career coach and mentor. In our sessions, he skillfully delved into my strengths and aspirations, providing tailored advice that significantly influenced my career decisions. His strategic guidance not only refined my professional goals but also equipped me with the tools to overcome challenges, fostering a resilient mindset. Imoleayo’s genuine dedication to his clients and wealth of industry knowledge make him an outstanding mentor. Beyond the sessions, he goes the extra mile to stay connected, offering ongoing support and insights. I’m immensely grateful for the impact he’s had on my career journey, transforming challenges into opportunities. Highly responsive and deeply committed, Imoleayo Ashogbon has played a pivotal role in shaping my professional trajectory. I wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone seeking expert guidance, empowerment, and a transformative career experience.”

Who is this 2-day masterclass for?

This masterclass is perfect for Mid-to-senior level professionals with 3 to 8 years of experience and you are;

  • Looking for a Job
  • New to Canada
  • Seeking new or better opportunities
  • Ready to break free from “survival jobs” and advance in their careers.
  • Looking to refine their job search strategies and personal branding.

Information about the masterclass:

Date & Time: June 15th – 16th, 2024
Location: Online via our unique platform
Duration: 2-day Intensive and Interactive Learning
Investment: $149

This is an opportunity you should not miss! Gain the knowledge and tools you need to land your dream job in Canada!

Limited spots available, invest in your future today.

Register NOW!