Hi! I’m Coach Imole

I am here to help you to confidently take charge of your career, overcome self-limits, and create a future you’re excited about.

Let’s create the career you love together.

Meet Coach Imole

Imoleayo Ashogbon is a distinguished figure in the world of Human Resources, known for his unwavering dedication to transforming organizations and empowering professionals to excel in their careers. Imoleayo has carved a niche for himself as a trusted advisor and catalyst for growth, coaching world-class leaders while working for Fortune 500 companies.

Imoleayo’s outstanding career profile showcases his expertise, passion for HR, and unwavering commitment to making a positive impact on organizations and individuals alike. With his visionary leadership and relentless pursuit of excellence, he continues to shape the future of HR, inspiring professionals to unlock their full potential and drive sustainable success in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Success Stories

It is always a privilege to help my clients harness their skills and experiences and here is what some of them have to say

Tolu Habib

“Thank you for such an uplifting teaching at the purpose workshop. Thanks for also providing us with actionable steps to overcome hindrances to launching out. It was a wonderful teaching.”

Fredrick Nnabuko

I worked with Imole on salary negotiation for my new job and I ended up with a 15% increase from the initial offer, I couldn’t believe my eyes as all the strategies he gave worked wonders.

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In my years of experience working in different capacities, I've learned that self-perception shapes your career reality.

I have also learned that your compensation is a reflection of your self-worth. While organizations have pay structures, bands, compa-ratios, and all that, some folks always get more.

You have the power to demand more if you recognize these two things: (1) your worth first, and (2) the effective way to position yourself.

Here is some data to help you put this in perspective:

↱ 59% of employees do not negotiate their salary when offered their current job, often due to underestimating their worth.

↱ A Harvard Business Review article states that employees who actively seek feedback and set higher expectations for themselves tend to achieve better performance reviews and career advancements.

↱ Employees who believe in their abilities and proactively seek growth opportunities are 21% more likely to receive promotions.

Here are action steps you can start taking today to build your self-worth and position yourself for career advancement opportunities:

→ Regularly evaluate your skills, accomplishments, and contributions to understand and affirm your value.

→ Research Market Rates: Use resources like salary surveys and job market data to understand the going rates for your role and experience level.

→ Set Clear Goals: Define specific career objectives and the compensation you believe matches your worth.

→ Seek Feedback: Request constructive feedback from peers and supervisors to identify areas for improvement and reinforce your strengths.

→ Negotiate Assertively: When discussing salary or promotions, confidently present your case with data and examples of your achievements.

→ Invest in Professional Development: Continuously improve your skills through courses, certifications, and other learning opportunities to enhance your value.

→ Network and Advocate: Build a strong professional network and advocate for yourself within your organization and industry.

→ Track Accomplishments: Maintain a record of your achievements and contributions to use as evidence during performance reviews and salary negotiations.

→ Stay Informed: Keep abreast o...

In my years of experience working in different capacities, I`ve learned that self-perception shapes your career reality.

I have also learned that your compensation is a reflection of your self-worth. While organizations have pay structures, bands, compa-ratios, and all that, some folks always get more.

You have the power to demand more if you recognize these two things: (1) your worth first, and (2) the effective way to position yourself.

Here is some data to help you put this in perspective:

↱ 59% of employees do not negotiate their salary when offered their current job, often due to underestimating their worth.

↱ A Harvard Business Review article states that employees who actively seek feedback and set higher expectations for themselves tend to achieve better performance reviews and career advancements.

↱ Employees who believe in their abilities and proactively seek growth opportunities are 21% more likely to receive promotions.

Here are action steps you can start taking today to build your self-worth and position yourself for career advancement opportunities:

→ Regularly evaluate your skills, accomplishments, and contributions to understand and affirm your value.

→ Research Market Rates: Use resources like salary surveys and job market data to understand the going rates for your role and experience level.

→ Set Clear Goals: Define specific career objectives and the compensation you believe matches your worth.

→ Seek Feedback: Request constructive feedback from peers and supervisors to identify areas for improvement and reinforce your strengths.

→ Negotiate Assertively: When discussing salary or promotions, confidently present your case with data and examples of your achievements.

→ Invest in Professional Development: Continuously improve your skills through courses, certifications, and other learning opportunities to enhance your value.

→ Network and Advocate: Build a strong professional network and advocate for yourself within your organization and industry.

→ Track Accomplishments: Maintain a record of your achievements and contributions to use as evidence during performance reviews and salary negotiations.

→ Stay Informed: Keep abreast o...

I recently helped someone who had been struggling to find a job for six months. 

She had applied to numerous positions without success, and even when she managed to get a callback, she never progressed beyond the second stage. 

The constant rejections were taking a toll on her, affecting every fiber of her being and increasing her stress levels day by day.

Then we connected and a within a few weeks, not only did she secure a job, but she also received an offer that was $12,000 more than she had anticipated. The joy and gratitude she felt were obvious. 

Though I have witnessed many such transformations, this particular case stood out. Her partner even called me to express their appreciation, and I received messages from several of her friends as well. 

For me, it felt like a matter of timing and playing my part in helping her. The impact went beyond just assisting one person—it touched the lives of those who love and support her. It's a powerful reminder that our actions can impact communities.

Helping someone may seem like a small act, but its effects can be profound. I encourage you to reach out and make a difference in someone's life today.

I recently helped someone who had been struggling to find a job for six months.

She had applied to numerous positions without success, and even when she managed to get a callback, she never progressed beyond the second stage.

The constant rejections were taking a toll on her, affecting every fiber of her being and increasing her stress levels day by day.

Then we connected and a within a few weeks, not only did she secure a job, but she also received an offer that was $12,000 more than she had anticipated. The joy and gratitude she felt were obvious.

Though I have witnessed many such transformations, this particular case stood out. Her partner even called me to express their appreciation, and I received messages from several of her friends as well.

For me, it felt like a matter of timing and playing my part in helping her. The impact went beyond just assisting one person—it touched the lives of those who love and support her. It`s a powerful reminder that our actions can impact communities.

Helping someone may seem like a small act, but its effects can be profound. I encourage you to reach out and make a difference in someone`s life today.

Oh, the joy of firing an employee! It’s often seen as the magic bullet to fix all company problems. 

But, surprise! In my experience, it’s actually a wake-up call to some hard truths and an opportunity for real growth. Here’s why:

Firing someone in most cases is just treating a symptom. The real cause is most times buried deep in the system. 

By digging into why someone performed poorly, you might just stumble upon systemic issues lurking in your beloved company.

Let’s face it, a bad hire is often a product of your oh-so-perfect recruitment process. Termination is a chance to:

1. Rethink job descriptions and qualifications. Maybe the issue isn’t a lack of skills.

2. Enhance interview techniques and screening processes as they should be.

3. Rethink your reference processes.

Could a toxic work culture contribute to poor performance? Absolutely. If you find yourself firing someone, it should prompt a review of:

1. How communication actually works in your company.

2. Leadership styles and their impact on employee morale.

3. Work-life balance and well-being initiatives.

Sometimes, the so-called “bad” employee is just a victim of weak onboarding and training programs. Reviewing these can lead to:

1. Comprehensive orientation programs.

2. Real skill development opportunities.

3. Better matching of employee skills with job requirements.

The need to fire someone might hint at gaps in your performance management system. This can inspire improvements like:

1. Setting clear expectations and goals. Because mind reading isn’t a job requirement.

2. ⁠Providing regular feedback and coaching. Not just during the annual review.

3. ⁠Implementing fair and consistent evaluation processes. Radical, right?

Letting go of an employee shouldn’t be seen as the final solution to your problems. It’s actually a chance to overhaul and improve your entire organization. By addressing these areas, companies can ensure long-term success and a healthier workplace.

So before you hit the next 'Fire' button, please look inward first!...

Oh, the joy of firing an employee! It’s often seen as the magic bullet to fix all company problems.

But, surprise! In my experience, it’s actually a wake-up call to some hard truths and an opportunity for real growth. Here’s why:

Firing someone in most cases is just treating a symptom. The real cause is most times buried deep in the system.

By digging into why someone performed poorly, you might just stumble upon systemic issues lurking in your beloved company.

Let’s face it, a bad hire is often a product of your oh-so-perfect recruitment process. Termination is a chance to:

1. Rethink job descriptions and qualifications. Maybe the issue isn’t a lack of skills.

2. Enhance interview techniques and screening processes as they should be.

3. Rethink your reference processes.

Could a toxic work culture contribute to poor performance? Absolutely. If you find yourself firing someone, it should prompt a review of:

1. How communication actually works in your company.

2. Leadership styles and their impact on employee morale.

3. Work-life balance and well-being initiatives.

Sometimes, the so-called “bad” employee is just a victim of weak onboarding and training programs. Reviewing these can lead to:

1. Comprehensive orientation programs.

2. Real skill development opportunities.

3. Better matching of employee skills with job requirements.

The need to fire someone might hint at gaps in your performance management system. This can inspire improvements like:

1. Setting clear expectations and goals. Because mind reading isn’t a job requirement.

2. ⁠Providing regular feedback and coaching. Not just during the annual review.

3. ⁠Implementing fair and consistent evaluation processes. Radical, right?

Letting go of an employee shouldn’t be seen as the final solution to your problems. It’s actually a chance to overhaul and improve your entire organization. By addressing these areas, companies can ensure long-term success and a healthier workplace.

So before you hit the next `Fire` button, please look inward first!...

While much attention is given to toxic managers and unhealthy workplaces, it’s equally important to address the impact of difficult employees.

Difficult employees can disrupt teams, reduce productivity, and strain organizational resources. As HR professionals, we often encounter various reasons behind these behaviors.

This framework aims to equip managers with strategies to effectively manage and hold difficult employees accountable, promoting a healthier and more productive workplace.

1.⁠ ⁠Identify the root causes of difficult behavior, whether personal issues, lack of skills, or misalignment with job roles.

2.⁠ ⁠Establish clear expectations and provide consistent, constructive feedback on roles, responsibilities, and standards.

3.⁠ ⁠Foster an environment of open and honest communication where employees can voice concerns and receive attention.

4.⁠ ⁠Offer necessary support and training, including skill development programs, to help employees improve their performance.

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While much attention is given to toxic managers and unhealthy workplaces, it’s equally important to address the impact of difficult employees.

Difficult employees can disrupt teams, reduce productivity, and strain organizational resources. As HR professionals, we often encounter various reasons behind these behaviors.

This framework aims to equip managers with strategies to effectively manage and hold difficult employees accountable, promoting a healthier and more productive workplace.

1.⁠ ⁠Identify the root causes of difficult behavior, whether personal issues, lack of skills, or misalignment with job roles.

2.⁠ ⁠Establish clear expectations and provide consistent, constructive feedback on roles, responsibilities, and standards.

3.⁠ ⁠Foster an environment of open and honest communication where employees can voice concerns and receive attention.

4.⁠ ⁠Offer necessary support and training, including skill development programs, to help employees improve their performance.

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Nobody likes being treated rudely, especially when they make mistakes. 

Mistakes should be seen as opportunities for improvement, not occasions for blame. 

While strictness may be necessary in high-stakes environments to maintain safety and standards, it should always be tempered with professionalism and respect. 

Effective leaders distinguish between being firm and being rude, ensuring that their feedback promotes growth and learning rather than fostering fear or resentment. 

This balanced approach respects cultural differences and emphasizes the value of supportive, constructive interactions across all relationships—whether in the workplace, among friends, or with partners.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. 

Like and follow if you agree.

Nobody likes being treated rudely, especially when they make mistakes.

Mistakes should be seen as opportunities for improvement, not occasions for blame.

While strictness may be necessary in high-stakes environments to maintain safety and standards, it should always be tempered with professionalism and respect.

Effective leaders distinguish between being firm and being rude, ensuring that their feedback promotes growth and learning rather than fostering fear or resentment.

This balanced approach respects cultural differences and emphasizes the value of supportive, constructive interactions across all relationships—whether in the workplace, among friends, or with partners.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

Like and follow if you agree.

What if the words you don't say are the ones killing performance in your workplace?

65% of employees say they want more feedback from their employers. 

In any professional setting, honest and constructive feedback is vital for growth and maintaining healthy relationships.

True feedback left unspoken breeds discontent and disconnection

When feedback is missing, small issues can grow into big problems, which eventually leads to misunderstandings, frustration, and loss of trust.

This can hurt your revenue, productivity and general performance. 

Why does this happen?

1. Many avoid giving feedback to prevent fights or negative reactions.

2. Some professionals don't know how to give feedback in a helpful way.

3. In some cultures, direct feedback might be seen as rude, so people avoid it.

How can we fix this?

1. Create a culture where feedback is encouraged and seen as a chance to grow, not as criticism.

2. Offer training to help professionals learn how to give and receive feedback well.

3. Have regular feedback sessions to make it normal and less stressful.

4. Make sure feedback is clear, actionable, and focused on behaviors, not personal traits.

As Ken Blanchard wisely said, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” 

Embracing open communication and feedback can transform your professional relationships and drive your team to new heights of success. 

Let’s commit to speaking up and creating workplaces where feedback is not just accepted, but valued.

What if the words you don`t say are the ones killing performance in your workplace?

65% of employees say they want more feedback from their employers.

In any professional setting, honest and constructive feedback is vital for growth and maintaining healthy relationships.

True feedback left unspoken breeds discontent and disconnection

When feedback is missing, small issues can grow into big problems, which eventually leads to misunderstandings, frustration, and loss of trust.

This can hurt your revenue, productivity and general performance.

Why does this happen?

1. Many avoid giving feedback to prevent fights or negative reactions.

2. Some professionals don`t know how to give feedback in a helpful way.

3. In some cultures, direct feedback might be seen as rude, so people avoid it.

How can we fix this?

1. Create a culture where feedback is encouraged and seen as a chance to grow, not as criticism.

2. Offer training to help professionals learn how to give and receive feedback well.

3. Have regular feedback sessions to make it normal and less stressful.

4. Make sure feedback is clear, actionable, and focused on behaviors, not personal traits.

As Ken Blanchard wisely said, “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”

Embracing open communication and feedback can transform your professional relationships and drive your team to new heights of success.

Let’s commit to speaking up and creating workplaces where feedback is not just accepted, but valued.

Leadership isn't just about holding a title; it's about the words we choose and the actions we take. 

Many of us didn't grow up in the most supportive environments, but as leaders, we have the power to change that for our teams. 

Here are nine powerful phrases that can transform your leadership approach and build a resilient, motivated team
Yes, words are powerful. 

Here are 10 phrases the best bosses regularly say, and truly mean:

1. "I trust you." This simple phrase empowers your team to take ownership and make decisions.

2. "I appreciate you." Recognition fuels motivation. Let your team know their hard work is valued.

3. "I made a mistake. What can I do better?" Humility fosters trust. Admitting missteps shows you're human and open to learning. 

4. "Let's focus on solutions." Shift the mindset from blame to proactive problem-solving. 

5. "I appreciate your hard work." Specificity is key. Acknowledge the effort behind the results.

6. "Let's review what we learned." Turn challenges into growth opportunities. Foster a learning environment.

7. "How can I help you succeed?" Invest in your team's development. Show you're committed to their growth.

8. "How did my mistake impact you?" Empathy matters. Understand how your actions affect your team.

9. "Thank you for sharing your honest opinion with me." Open communication is a two-way street. Encourage constructive feedback.

If you use these words every day, you'll build a team that's super confident and ready to crush any challenge. Together, you'll do amazing things. Remember, leadership is about building up, not tearing down. Invest in your team's confidence.
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Leadership isn`t just about holding a title; it`s about the words we choose and the actions we take.

Many of us didn`t grow up in the most supportive environments, but as leaders, we have the power to change that for our teams.

Here are nine powerful phrases that can transform your leadership approach and build a resilient, motivated team
Yes, words are powerful.

Here are 10 phrases the best bosses regularly say, and truly mean:

1. "I trust you." This simple phrase empowers your team to take ownership and make decisions.

2. "I appreciate you." Recognition fuels motivation. Let your team know their hard work is valued.

3. "I made a mistake. What can I do better?" Humility fosters trust. Admitting missteps shows you`re human and open to learning.

4. "Let`s focus on solutions." Shift the mindset from blame to proactive problem-solving.

5. "I appreciate your hard work." Specificity is key. Acknowledge the effort behind the results.

6. "Let`s review what we learned." Turn challenges into growth opportunities. Foster a learning environment.

7. "How can I help you succeed?" Invest in your team`s development. Show you`re committed to their growth.

8. "How did my mistake impact you?" Empathy matters. Understand how your actions affect your team.

9. "Thank you for sharing your honest opinion with me." Open communication is a two-way street. Encourage constructive feedback.

If you use these words every day, you`ll build a team that`s super confident and ready to crush any challenge. Together, you`ll do amazing things. Remember, leadership is about building up, not tearing down. Invest in your team`s confidence.
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What’s your leverage?

It’s amazing how even the smallest contributions can create significant impacts. 

By embracing diverse perspectives and celebrating every effort, we foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity.

In every profession, leveraging unique tools or methods not only gives individuals an edge—it propels entire teams and organizations forward. 

Whether it’s using advanced analytics to forecast trends, harnessing social platforms to amplify a marketing message, or adopting cutting-edge technologies to streamline operations, leverage is about maximizing resources to achieve more with less.

So, what’s your leverage? 

What small yet powerful approach are you using to make a difference? 

How does it contribute not just to personal success but to a broader, more inclusive vision? 

Reflect on these questions to better understand how you can drive change and foster innovation in your sphere of influence.

P.S. How are you using LinkedIn to build strategic relationships?

What’s your leverage?

It’s amazing how even the smallest contributions can create significant impacts.

By embracing diverse perspectives and celebrating every effort, we foster a culture of innovation and inclusivity.

In every profession, leveraging unique tools or methods not only gives individuals an edge—it propels entire teams and organizations forward.

Whether it’s using advanced analytics to forecast trends, harnessing social platforms to amplify a marketing message, or adopting cutting-edge technologies to streamline operations, leverage is about maximizing resources to achieve more with less.

So, what’s your leverage?

What small yet powerful approach are you using to make a difference?

How does it contribute not just to personal success but to a broader, more inclusive vision?

Reflect on these questions to better understand how you can drive change and foster innovation in your sphere of influence.

P.S. How are you using LinkedIn to build strategic relationships?

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